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My Horses Ain’t Hungry – NEW

"My Horses Ain't Hungry" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing harmony while practicing major and minor thirds.



Grade: Third (3)

Origin: United States: Tennessee Folk Song

Key: F Major

Time: 3/4

Form: AB

Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ta |ta (ta) ti ti | ta/a/a |

Pitches: beginners: Mi So La Do Re Mi So – pentatonic scale

Intervals: beginners: Do/Mi\Do (M3), Do\La (m3), So\Mi/So (m3), La/Do (m3), So8\Mi (m3)

Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, quarter, eighth; rests: quarter; harmony, pickup beat, pentatonic scale

Key Words: Geography: United States; Tennessee, horses, hungry, hay, feeding horses, pony, whoa, contractions: ain’t (are not), I’m (I am), I’ll (I will), won’t (will not)



“My Horses Ain’t Hungry”


My horses ain’t hungry,
They won’t eat your hey,
So I’ll get on my pony,
I’m going away.


Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Horses Ain't Hungry" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Horses Ain't Hungry" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Horses Ain't Hungry" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Horses Ain't Hungry" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Horses Ain't Hungry" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Horses Ain't Hungry" Letter Names Format

My Head and My Shoulders

"My Head, My Shouldeers" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the repeat sign while learning the parts of the body.



  • Grade: Kindergarten
  • Origin: Zulu – Singing Game
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: AABb
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ti ti | ti ti ti ti |
  • Pitches: advanced: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do – extended range
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, So/Do, So\Mi
  • Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth; pickup beat, repeat sign
  • Key Words: world georgraphy: Zulu Nation, Africa, parts of the body, chest, middle, knees, toes

“My Head and My Shoulders”

My head and my shoulders,
My chest and my middle,
My knees and then my toes,
O, my knees and then my toes.

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Head, My Shouldeers" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Head, My Shouldeers" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Head, My Shouldeers" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Head, My Shouldeers" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Head, My Shouldeers" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Head, My Shouldeers" Letter Names Format

My Hat (Mein Hut)

"My Hat (Mein Hut)" Lyrics, Text Format

Four measure melodic rhythm pattern
repeated four times.



  • Grade: Kindergarten
  • Origin: German – Folk Song
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: rhythm: AaAa – pitches: ABAC
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta (ta) ta | repeating pattern: rest on second beat, | ta ta/a |
    | ta/a/a_|_a (ta) ta | ta/a/a_|_a/a ta | (_=tied)
  • Pitches: intermediate: Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
  • Intervals: beginners: Fa\Re, So\Mi, So/Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, quarter; rest: quarter; pickup beat, syncopation, tied notes
  • Key Words: world geography: German; three, hat, corners, memory skills

“My Hat (Mein Hut)” 

My hat it has three corners.
Three corners has my hat
And had it not three corners
It would not be my hat.


My – point to yourself
Hat – point to head
Three – hold up three fingers
Corners – point to elbow

Sing the song five times.
The first time sing it to the end.
Second time, don’t say my.
Third time don’t say my and hat.
Fourth time don’t say my, hat, and three.
Fifth time don’t say my, hat, three, and corners.

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Hat (Mein Hut)" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Hat (Mein Hut)" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Hat (Mein Hut)" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Hat (Mein Hut)" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Hat (Mein Hut)" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Hat (Mein Hut)" Letter Names Format

My Farm

"My Farm" lyrics, Text Format
"My Farm" lyrics, Text Format page 2

Complex rhythms with phrases composed up a third and down a second.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: Argentina Folk Song
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: AABBCC – pitches: ABCDEF
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ti ti |
    | ta/ ti ta (ta) | ta/ ti ti ti ti ti | ta ta ta (ta) |
    | ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ri ti ti | ti ti ti ti ta (ti) ti |
    | ti ti ti ti ta/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do\So, So/Do, Mi\Do, Do/Mi, Mi/So, So/Mi, Fa\Re, Re/Fa
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; rests: quarter, eighth; phrases raised by a third and lowered by a second, note heads as beats
  • Key Words: spanish, farm animals, animal science, animal sounds, winding, stream, barnyard, grass, green, pollito (chicken – peep), perrito (dog – bow wow), gatito (cat – meow), burrito (donkey – hee haw), patito (duck – quack), chanchito (pig – oink), gallito (rooster – cock-a-doodle-do)

“My Farm”

I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El pollito (the chicken) goes like this: peep, peep,
El pollito goes like this: peep, peep.


O va, camarada, va, camarada,
Va, O va, O va:
O va, camarada, va, camarada,
Va, O va, O va:

2. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El perrito (the dog) goes like this: bow wow,
El perrito goes like this: bow wow.
3. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El gatito (the cat) goes like this: meow, meow,
El gatito goes like this: meow, meow.
4. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El burrito (the donkey) goes like this: hee haw,
El burrito goes like this: hee haw.
5. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El patito (the duck) goes like this: quack, quack,
El patito goes like this: quack, quack.
6. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El chanchito (the pig) goes like this: oink, oink,
El chanchito goes like this: oink, oink.
7. I have a little farm beside a winding stream,
I have a little barnyard where the grass is green.
El gallito (the rooster) goes like this: cock-a-doodle-do,
El gallito goes like this: cock-a-doodle-do.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Farm" Music Format
"My Farm" Beats Format
"My Farm" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
"My Farm" Pitch Numbers Format
"My Farm" Solfeggio Format
letter names
"My Farm" Letter Names Format

My Dreidel

"My Dreidel" Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation, a tonic arpeggio,
and repeated melodic rhythm patterns.



  • Grade: Second
  • Origin: Israel – music: Samuel Goldfarb, Mikhi Gelbart
    words: Samuel S. Grossman
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: AAAA – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation, | ti ti ti ti ta/ ti | syncopation,
    | ti ti ti ti ta (ti) ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: So\Do, Mi\Do, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, Fa\Re, Re/So, Mi/So\Mi, Re/Fa\Re
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, repeated melodic rhythm patterns; note: the measure three is a whole step above measure one, measure seven is a whole step below measure five
  • Key Words: world geography: Israel, Hanukkah, dreidel (four sided spinning top/toy), making a dreidel, lovely, short, thin, drops, always, playful, dance, spin, happy, game, begin; contraction: let’s (let us)
  • Keyboard: intermediate: excellent five finger exercise for right, left, and two hands together

“My Dreidel”

I have a little dreidel,
I made it out of clay,
And when it’s dry and ready,
Then dreidel I shall play.
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
I made it out of clay.
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Now dreidel I shall play.
It has a lovely body,
With legs so short and thin.
And when my dreidel’s tired,
It drops and then I win!
3. My dreidel’s always playful,
It loves to dance and spin.
A happy game of dreidel,
Come play now, let’s begin!
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Dreidel" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Dreidel" Letter Names Format

My Dream

"My Dream" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the major sixth (So/Mi), the minor sixth (So\Ti),
and the ascending tonic arpeggio (Do/Mi/So).



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: USA – Singing Game
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ta | ti ti ta ti ti | syncopation, | ti ti ta ta | syncopation, | ta/a ti ti |
    syncopation, | ta/a ta |
  • Pitches: beginners: So Ti Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Mi (M6), Mi\Do/Mi, Do/So, So\Do, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio (I, F), So\Ti (m6)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, tonic arpeggio, intervals of a major and minor sixth
  • Key Words: USA, singing game, things that move this way and that: traffic light, tumbleweed, trumpeter, hummingbird, sailing ship, waving flag, swinging gate, marching band, carpenter



“My Dream”

When I was a traffic light,
And a traffic light was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
When I was a tumbleweed,
And a tumbleweed was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
3. When I was a trumpeter,
And a trumpeter was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
4. When I was a hummingbird,
And a hummingbird was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
5. When I was a sailing ship,
And a sailing ship was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
6. When I was a waving flag,
And a waving flag was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
7. When I was a swinging gate,
And a swinging gate was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
8. When I was a marching band,
And a marching band was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
9. When I was a carpenter,
And a carpenter was I,
Oh, a-this-a-way, and a-that-a-way,
And a-this-a-way, went I.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Dream" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Dream" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Dream" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Dream" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Dream" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Dream" Letter Names Format

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

"My Bonnie" Lyrics, Text Format

Syncopation, a dotted half rest, the interval La/Re,
and rests ending every line of a verse.



  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: United Kingdom, Scotland – Traditional,
    cir. 1881
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: AB verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta/ ti ta | syncopation,
    | ta ta ta | ta ta/a | (ta/a) ta | ta/a/a | (ta/a/a) |
  • Pitches: intermediate: Mi So La Ti Do Re Mi
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Mi, Do\La, So\Mi, La/Re, So/Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, eighth; rests: dotted half, half; pickup beat, syncopation, verse/refrain
  • Key Words: world geography, Scotland, United Kingdom, sailing, sea chanty, camp song, Bonnie (refers to a man or a woman), lies, ocean, pillow, night, dreamt, winds, blow, sea, brought; abbreviation: o’er (over)

My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean 
1. My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed,
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead.
3. Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean,
And blow the winds o’er the sea,
Oh blow the winds o’er the ocean,
And bring back my Bonnie to me.

The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean,
And brought back my Bonnie to me

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Bonnie" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Bonnie" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Bonnie" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Bonnie" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Bonnie" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Bonnie" Letter Names Format

My Big Black Dog

"My Big Black Dog" Lyrics, Text Format

Experience phrases ending on the fifth (So), the sixth (La),
and the tonic (Do) each pitch appears
15, 13, and 17 times respectively.



  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: England – Play Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: ABCA – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ta ta ta | ta/a (ta) ta |
    | ti ti ta ta ti ti | ti ti ta ta ta | ta ta ti ti ta |
    | ta/a (ta) ti ti | ta/a/a ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Do Re Mi So La – pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Do\La/Do, Do\So, So/Do/Mi ascending tonic arpeggio, Mi/So\Mi, Mi/La\Mi So\Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, comparing rhythms by staff (ABCDEDAB), experiencing phrase ending on the 6th, 5th, and the tonic.
  • Key Words: farm life, dog, man’s best friend, chicks, chickens, chased, crack, fence; contraction: they’d (they would)

“My Big Black Dog”

Who ever took my big black dog,
I wish they bring him back!
He chased the big chicks over the fence
And the little chicks through the crack!

The big chicks over the fence
And the little chicks through the crack!
Who ever took my big black dog,
I wish they’d bring him back!

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Big Black Dog" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Big Black Dog" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Big Black Dog" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Big Black Dog" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Big Black Dog" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Big Black Dog" Letter Names Format

Oh, My Aunt Came Back

"My Aunt Came Back" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the ascending dominant octave skip, So/So.



  • Grade: Kindergarten
  • Origin: USA – Traditional
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ti ti ta ta | ta ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: advanced: So/Do, So/So ascending dominant octave skip, Re\So, So\Mi, So/Ti, So/Mi, Do\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, quarter, beamed eighths; rest: quarter; echo song, ascending dominant octave skip
  • Key Words: world geography: Japan, Holland, Algiers, Guadeloupe, New York; City Zoo, waving fan, shears, rocking chair, monkey, fair, wooden shoe


“Oh, My Aunt Came Back”
1. Oh, my aunt came back, from old Japan.
And she brought with her a waving fan.
Oh, my aunt came back, from Holland too.
And she brought with her a wooden shoe.
Oh, my aunt came back, from old Algiers.
And she brought with her a pair of shears.
Oh, my aunt came back, from Guadeloupe.
And she brought with her a Hula-Hoop.
5. Oh, my aunt came back, from the New York fair.
And she brought with her a rocking chair
6. Oh, my aunt came back, from the City Zoo.
And she brought with her a monkey like you!
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Aunt Came Back" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "My Aunt Came Back" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Aunt Came Back" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Aunt Came Back" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Aunt Came Back" Letter Names Format

The Mulberry Bush

"The Mulberry Bush" lyrics, Text Format
"The Mulberry Bush" lyrics, Text Format page 2

Feeling 2 beats in 6/8 time, changing rhythms to match syllables in each verse, and learning the days of the week.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: Traditional English Game Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ta ti |syncopation,
    | ta ti ta/ | syncopation, | ta ti ta ti | ta/ ta/ |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio (I, F), So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio (I, F), Re\Ti\So descending dominate arpeggio (V, C), So/Do, Re\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; common ending: 5-6-7-1, So-La-Ti-Do, vocal slur
  • Key Words: sacred, days of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, play song, mulberry bush, daily chores, washing clothes, ironing clothes, mending clothes, sweep, scrub, bake bread, church


“The Mulberry Bush” 

Here we go round the mulberry bush,
the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush
So early in the morning.


This is the way we wash our clothes,
wash our clothes, wash our clothes.
This is the way we wash our clothes,
So early Monday morning.

3. This is the way we iron our clothes,
iron our clothes, iron our clothes.
This is the way we iron our clothes,
So early Tuesday morning.
4. This is the way we mend our clothes,
mend our clothes, mend our clothes.
This is the way we mend our clothes,
So early Wednesday morning.
5. This is the way we sweep the floor,
sweep the floor, sweep the floor.
This is the way we sweep the floor,
So early Thursday morning.
6. This is the way we scrub the floor,
scrub the floor, scrub the floor.
This is the way we scrub the floor,
So early Friday morning.
7. This is the way we bake our bread,
bake our bread, bake our bread.
This is the way we bake our bread,
So early Saturday morning.
8. This is the way we go to church,
go to church, go to church.
This is the way we go to church,
So early Sunday morning.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"The Mulberry Bush" Music Format
"The Mulberry Bush" Beats Format
"The Mulberry Bush" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
"The Mulberry Bush" Pitch Numbers Format
"The Mulberry Bush" Solfeggio Format
letter names
"The Mulberry Bush" Letter Names Format