• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

My Big Black Dog


Within the the pentatonic scale, an ascending tonic arpeggio, phrases ending on the fifth (so), the sixth (la), and the tonic (do) each pitch appears 15, 13, and 17 times respectively.


Within the the pentatonic scale, an ascending tonic arpeggio, phrases ending on the fifth (so), the sixth (la), and the tonic (do) each pitch appears 15, 13, and 17 times respectively.

  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: England – Play Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: ABCA – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythmintermediate: | ta ta ta ta | ta/a (ta) ta | ti ti ta ta ti ti | ti ti ta ta ta | ta ta ti ti ta | ta/a (ta) ti ti | ta/a/a ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: so la do re mi so la – pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: do/mi, do\la/do, do\so, so/do/mi ascending tonic arpeggio, mi/so\mi, mi/la\mi so\do
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, comparing rhythms by staff (ABCDEDAB), experiencing phrase ending on the 6th, 5th, and the tonic.
  • Key Words: farm life, dog, man’s best friend, chicks, chickens, chased, crack, fence; contraction: they’d (they would)

Selecting All Formats includes:

Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
Scrolling Song Formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

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