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O, I’m Goin’ to Sing

"O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing dotted half note in 4/4 time.
Excellent beginning keyboard tune!



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: Spiritual
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABAb
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ti ta ti ti | ta ti ti ta ta |
    | ta/a/a ta |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: beginners: So\Mi, Mi/So – beginning Orff interval
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, pentatonic scale, fermata
  • Key Words: begin your day song, keeping a steady beat, fermata, sing, clap, tap, snap, dance; goin’ (going) contraction: I’m (I am)
  • Keyboard: beginners: for right, left, and two hands together

“O, I’m Goin’ to Sing”

O, I’m goin’ to sing, goin’ to sing, goin’ to sing,
goin’ to sing all along my way,
O, I’m goin’ to sing, goin’ to sing, goin’ to sing,
goin’ to sing all along my way.


O, I’m goin’ to clap, goin’ to clap, goin’ to clap,
goin’ to clap all along my way,
O, I’m goin’ to clap, goin’ to clap, goin’ to clap,
goin’ to clap all along my way.

3. O, I’m goin’ to tap, goin’ to tap, goin’ to tap,
goin’ to tap all along my way,
O, I’m goin’ to tap, goin’ to tap, goin’ to tap,
goin’ to tap all along my way.
4. O, I’m goin’ to snap, goin’ to snap, goin’ to snap,
goin’ to snap all along my way,
O, I’m goin’ to snap, goin’ to snap, goin’ to snap,
goin’ to snap all along my way.
5. O, I’m goin’ to dance, goin’ to dance, goin’ to dance,
goin’ to dance all along my way,
O, I’m goin’ to dance, goin’ to dance, goin’ to dance,
goin’ to dance all along my way.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "O, I'm Goin' to Sing" Letter Names Format

Oh, Won’t You Sit Down?

"Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Lyrics, Text Format

Mastering the ascending and descending major third (M3) intervals Do/Mi and Mi\Do, with advanced syncopation on the second half of the each beat (& of 1, & of 2, & of 3, & of 4)



  • Grade: Fourth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: phrases: AAABCC song: ABA – refrain/verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ti ta/ ta/ ti | syncopation,
    | ta ti ta ti ti ti | syncopation, | ta ti ti ti ti ti ti |
    | ti ta ta (ti) (ta) | syncopation | ta ta ta ta | ta ti ta/a/ | syncopation, | ti ta ta ti ti ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: So La Do Re Mi
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do (P4), Do/Mi (x13), Mi\Do (x9), Re\So (P5)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rests: quarter, eighth; pickup beats (begins on the second half of the third beat – & of 3), D. C al Fine, Fine, call/response, refrain/verse/refrain, syncopation on the second half of each beat, tied notes within measures, two double barlines
  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, African American history month, sacred, spiritual, visiting heaven, going to heaven, Lord, heaven, yonder (down the way), dressed in: red, white, blue, black, Moses, Israelite, hypocrites, bible stories; contractions: won’t (will not), can’t (cannot), who’s (who is); abbreviations: comin’ (coming), turnin’ (turning)
  • Keyboard: intermediate: a five finger exercise for the right, left, and two hands together


“Oh, Won’t You Sit Down?” 
(boys) (girls)
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
(girls – last time all)
Cause I just got to Heaven, gonna look around.
(girls) (boys)
Who’s that yonder dressed in red? Must be the children that Moses led.
Who’s that yonder dressed in white? Must be the children of the Israelite.
(girls) (boys)
Who’s that yonder dressed in blue? Must be the children that are comin’ through.
Who’s that yonder dressed in black? Must be the hypocrites a-turin’ back.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

"Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the ascending dominate octave skip So/So.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: ABab
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta/a ta | ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a_|_a ta ta | (_=tie)
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi/So, So\Mi, Mi\Do, Re\Ti, Ti\So, Re/So, So/So dominate octave skip
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, quarter; rest: quarter; pickup beat, tied notes
  • Key Words: dog, gone, where, tail, short, long, waggles, jog, whenever, himself, found, contraction: can’t (cannot)

“Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?”

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his tail cut short and his ears cut long,
Oh where, oh where can he be?


My little dog always waggles his tail,
As on our way we jog,
If my dog was short and his tail was long,
The tail would waggle the dog.

3. My little dog always waggles his tail
Whenever I call him to me.
But he’s lost himself and he can’t be found,
Oh where, oh where can he be?
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Letter Names Format

Oh When I Go A-Ploughing

"Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing a dotted quarter followed by an eighth note.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: English Singing Game
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: AaBa
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta/ ti ti ti | ta ta ta |
    | ta/a ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do, So\Mi, Mi/So, Fa\Re, Re/Fa, Re\Ti, Re/La
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, perfect fifth, intervals of a third
  • Key Words: farming, ploughing, racking, planting, hoeing, farmer


“Oh When I Go A-Ploughing”

Oh, when I go a-ploughing, a-ploughing, a-ploughing,
Oh, when I go a-ploughing, it’s this way and that.
It’s this way and that way, it’s this way and that way,
Oh, when I go a-ploughing, it’s this way and that.


Oh, when I go a-raking, a-raking, a-raking,
Oh, when I go a-raking, it’s this way and that.
It’s this way and that way, it’s this way and that way,
Oh, when I go a-raking, it’s this way and that.


Oh, when I go a-planting, a-planting, a-planting,
Oh, when I go a-planting, it’s this way and that.
It’s this way and that way, it’s this way and that way,
Oh, when I go a-planting, it’s this way and that.

4. Oh, when I go a-hoeing, a-hoeing, a-hoeing,
Oh, when I go a-hoeing, it’s this way and that.
It’s this way and that way, it’s this way and that way,
Oh, when I go a-hoeing, it’s this way and that.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh When I Go A-Ploughing" Letter Names Format

Oh, My Darling, Clementine

"Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Lyrics, Text Format
"Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Lyrics, Text Format

Excellent song to assess beginning grade level skills.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Western Folk Ballad
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: staves: ABAB – song: AA, verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ti/ ri | syncopation,
    | ta/ ti ti ti | syncopation, | ta/a ti/ ri | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: beginners: Do\So (P4), So/Mi (M6), Mi\Do (M3), Re\So (P5), So/Ti (M3),
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, verse/refrain (same), syncopation, ballad
  • Key Words: USA history/geography: California Gold Rush; cavern, canyon, excavating, mine, dwelt, miner, forty-niner, daughter, darling, forever, dreadful, fairy, herring, topses, sandals, ducklings, stubbed, splinter, foaming brine, ruby, bubbles, alas, swimmer, peak, pine, oughter, churchyard, myrtle, boughs, entwine, roses, posies, fertilize, doth, haunt, robed, garments, soaked

“Oh, My Darling, Clementine” 

1. In a cavern by a canyon,
Excavating for a mine,
Dwelt a miner, forty-niner,
And his daughter Clementine.
Oh, my daring, oh, my darling,
Oh, my darling Clementine,
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry Clementine.
Light she was and like a fairy,
And her shoes were number nine,
Herring boxes, without topses,
Sandals were for Clementine.
3. Drove she ducklings to the water
Ev’ry morning just at nine,
Stubbed her toe against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine.
4. Ruby lips above the water,
Blowing bubbles, soft and fine,
But, alas, I was no swimmer,
So I lost my Clementine.
5. Then the miner, forty-niner,
Soon began to peak and pine,
Thought he oughter join his daughter,
Now he’s with his Clementine.
6. In a corner of the churchyard,
Where the myrtle boughs entwine,
Grow the roses and the posies,
Fertilized by Clementine.
7. In my dreams she still doth haunt me,
Robed in garments soaked in brine;
How in life I used to hug her,
Now she’s dead, I draw the line.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Darling, Clementine," Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "" Letter Names Format

Oh, My Aunt Came Back

"Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the ascending dominate octave skip So/So.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: USA – Traditional
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythm: beginners: | (ta) ti ti ta ta | ta ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Ti Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do, Mi\So, So/So ascending dominate octave skip, Re\So, So\Mi, Re\So, So/Ti, So/Mi, Do\So
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; call and response, echo song
  • Key Words: echo song, call and response, geography, Japan, Holland, Algiers, Guadeloupe, New York, city, zoo, waving fan, wooden shoe, shears, Hula-Hoop, rocking chair, monkey

“Oh, My Aunt Came Back”

Oh, my aunt came back,

Oh, my aunt came back,
from old Japan from old Japan

And she brought with her

And she brought with her
a waving fan. a waving fan.
2. Oh, my aunt came back, Oh, my aunt came back,
from Holland too from Holland too
And she brought with her And she brought with her
a wooden shoe. a wooden shoe.
3. Oh, my aunt came back, Oh, my aunt came back,
from old Algiers from old Algiers
And she brought with her And she brought with her
a pair of shoes. a pair of shoes.
4. Oh, my aunt came back, Oh, my aunt came back,
from Guadeloupe from Guadeloupe
And she brought with her And she brought with her
a Hula-Hoop. a Hula-Hoop.
5. Oh, my aunt came back, Oh, my aunt came back,
from the New York fair from the New York fair
And she brought with her And she brought with her
a rocking chair. a rocking chair.
6. Oh, my aunt came back, Oh, my aunt came back,
from the City Zoo from the City Zoo
And she brought with her And she brought with her
a monkey like you! a monkey like you!
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, My Aunt Came Back?" Letter Names Format

Oh, How Lovely is the Evening

"Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Lyrics, Text Format

Three part round singing in thirds.



  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: England – Traditional Round
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: rhythm: AAB – pitches: ABC – song: AaB
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta/a ta | ta ta ta | ta/a/a |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\Do, Do/Fa, So\Mi, Mi/La
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, quarter; three part round, singing in parts, harmony, singing in thirds, vocal slurs
  • Key Words: world geography, England; lovely, abbreviation: ev’ning (evening), sweetly, ringing
  • Recorder: intermediate: learning E above high C, playing in parts, three part round, playing in thirds, playing harmony

“Oh, How Lovely is the Evening”

Oh, how lovely is the evening, is the evening.
When the bells are sweetly ringing, sweetly ringing.
Ding dong, ding dong, ding, dong.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, How Lovely is the Evening" Letter Names Format

Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?

"Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing 6/8 time and running eighth notes.
This one is just for the girls.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: English Folk Song, Traditional
  • Key: E Flat Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: ABACDEDC
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta/ ta/ | ti ti ti ti ti ti |
    | ta/a ta | ta/a/a | running eighth notes
  • Pitches: intermediate: La Do Re Mi Fa So Do – adding Fa to the pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: So\Mi, Mi/Do, Do\So, Mi\Do, Do/Fa, Fa\Re, Re/So, Do\La, La/Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, running eighth notes; refrain/verse, extending the vocal range, D.C. al Fine, Fine
  • Key Words: Valentines, courting song, English rhyme song, trinket, matter, tease, promised, ribbons, bonnie brown, flowers, posies, lilies, roses, straw, tie

“Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?”

Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Oh, dear, what can the matter be?
Johnny’s so long at the fair.


He promised to bring me a trinket to please me,
And then for a smile, oh, he vowed he would tease me.
He promised to buy me a bunch of blue ribbons,
To tie up my bonnie brown hair.

2. He promised to bring me a basket of posies
A garland of lilies, a gift of red roses,
A little straw hat to set off the blue ribbons,
That tie up my bonnie brown hair.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be?" Letter Names Format

Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go

"Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the 4th (Fa) while stepping up and down the staff.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: English Folk Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 2/2
  • Form: rhythm: AaBa – pitches: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta/ ti | ta ta ta ta |
    | ta/a/a ta | ti ti ti ti ta ta |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa
  • Intervals: beginners: none
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beats, melody moves by steps, stepping up and down the staff from Do to Fa
  • Key Words: hunting, fox, fish, bear, pig, giraffe, box, dish, hair, jig, laugh

“Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go”

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a fox and put him in a box,
And then we’ll let him go!


Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a fish and put him on a dish,
And then we’ll let him go!

3. Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a bear and cut his hair,
And then we’ll let him go!
4. Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a pig and dance a jig,
And then we’ll let him go!
5. Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a giraffe and make him laugh,
And then we’ll let him go!
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go" Letter Names Format

Ode to Joy

Are You Sleeping Text Format
Are You Sleeping Additional Languages

Introducing the ascending diminished 7th So/Mi,
excellent keyboard five finger exercise.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: Germany – Ludwig van Beethoven
    lyrics: Henry van Dyke – 1907 (USA)
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: AABA – pitches: AaBa
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta ta ta | ta/ ti ta | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: So Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: m3: Mi\Do; P5: Re\So; D7: So/Mi ascending diminished 7th
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; melody moves primarily by steps, ascending diminished seventh (So/Mi)
  • Key Words: world geography: Germany (Deutschland); Ludwig van Beethoven; sacred, hymn of praise, Henry van Dyke (USA), God, unfold, melt, doubt, gladness, rays, heaven, surround, reflect, field, mountain, flowery, meadow, flashing, rejoice, forgiving, blessing, blessed, wellspring, ocean, Father, Christ, Brother, divine, mortals, chorus, stars, march, onward, victors, midst (among), strife, joyful, Sunward, triumph; Old English: Thee (you), Thy (your) , Thou (you), Thine (yours): abbreviations: flow’rs (flowers), op’ning (opening), o’er (over)
  • Recorder: intermediate: playing in G major
  • Keyboard: intermediate: EXCELLENT five finger exercise for left, right and two hands together (exception of the last note on the third staff)


“Ode to Joy”
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love;
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, opening to the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!
All Thy works with joy surround Thee, earth and heaven reflect Thy rays,
Stars and angels sing around Thee, center of unbroken praise.
Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea,
Singing bird and flowing fountain call us to rejoice in Thee.
3. Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blessed,
Wellspring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happy rest!
Thou our Father, Christ our Brother, all who live in love are Thine;
Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.
4. Mortals, join the happy chorus, which the morning stars began;
Father love is reigning o’er us, brother love binds man to man.
Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife,
Joyful music leads us Sunward in the triumph song of life.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
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Click to enlarge: Are You Sleeping Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: Click to enlarge: Are You Sleeping Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: Are You Sleeping Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: Are You Sleeping Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: Are You Sleeping Letter Names Format