• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

My Farm


My Farm

Advanced complex rhythms with phrases composed up a third and down a second.


My Farm

Advanced complex rhythms with phrases composed up a third and down a second.

  • Grade: First
  • Origin: Argentina Folk Song
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: rhythm: AABBCC – pitches: ABCDEF
  • Rhythmadvanced: | ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta/ ti ta (ta) | ta/ ti ti ti ti ti | ta ta ta (ta) | ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ri ti ti | ti ti ti ti ta (ti) ti | ti ti ti ti ta/a |
  • Pitchesintermediate: so do re mi fa so la
  • Intervals: intermediate: do\so, so/do, mi\do, do/mi, mi/so, so/mi, fa\re, re/fa
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; rests: quarter, eighth; phrases raised by a third and lowered by a second, note heads as beats
  • Key Words: spanish, farm animals, animal science, animal sounds, winding, stream, barnyard, grass, green, pollito (chicken – peep), perrito (dog – bow wow), gatito (cat – meow), burrito (donkey – hee haw), patito (duck – quack), chanchito (pig – oink), gallito (rooster – cock-a-doodle-do)

Selecting All Formats includes:

Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
Scrolling Song Formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

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