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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the raised second Ri, D#.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: 18th Century English Lullaby
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 3/4
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta/a ta | ta/a ti ti | ta ta ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: Ti Do Re Ri Mi Fa So La Do
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\Do, Do/Fa, Do/La, La/Do, Do\So, So\Mi, Mi/La, Do/Mi
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter, tempo: moderately; sharped second (Ri,D#)
  • Key Words: sacred, children’s prayer, children’s lullaby, Lord, sleep, die, pray, wake, soul
  • Recorder: advanced: introducing D#

“Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep”

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

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"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

"Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation, mastering So\Mi/So (m3), and the pentatonic scale.




  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABA – chorus/verse/chorus
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ta ti ta/ ti | syncopation, | ti ti ta ta/a | ti ta ti ta ta | syncopation, | ta ta/a/a |
    | ta/ ti ta ta | syncopation, | ta ta/a ta | ta/a ta/a |
    | ta/a/a ta | ta/a/a/a |
  • Pitches: beginners: So La Do Re Mi So – pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\So (M6), La/Do (m3), Do\La (m3), Mi/So8\Mi (m3), Mi\Do (M3)
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; D.C. al Fine, Fine, two double barlines, syncopation, pentatonic scale, chorus/verse/chorus
  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, sacred, trouble, sorrow, Jesus, glory hallelujah, Lord, sometimes, ground, below, sky opened, love, shall, forget, washed, sins, friends; contractions: I’ve (I have), I’m (I am): abbreviations: walkin’ (walking), comin’ (coming)
  • Recorder: intermediate: syncopation, pentatonic scale

“Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen” 

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen,
Nobody knows my knows but Jesus (my sorrow).
Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen,
Glory Hallelujah.
1. Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down,
Oh yes, Lord.
Sometimes I’m almost to the ground,
Oh yes, Lord.
Now, you may think that I don’t know,
Oh yes, Lord.
But I’ve had troubles here below,
Oh yes, Lord.
3. One day when I was walkin’ along,
Oh yes, Lord,
The sky opened up and love came down,
Oh yes, Lord.
4. I never shall forget that day,
Oh yes, Lord.
When Jesus washed my sins away.
Oh yes, Lord.
5. If you get there before I do,
Oh yes, Lord.
Tell all my friends I’m comin’ too,
Oh yes, Lord.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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The Grand Old Duke of York

"The Grand Old Duke of York" Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation and a tonic arpeggio.




  • Grade: First
  • Origin: England – Nursery Rhyme
  • Key: A Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABCD
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ta ta ta | ta/a/a ta |
    | ta ta ta ti ti | ti ti ta ta ti ti | syncopation,
    | ta/a ta/ ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginning: Mi So Do Re Mi Fa
  • Intervals: beginning: Do\So\Mi/So/Do tonic arpeggio
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; pickup beats, syncopation, tonic arpeggio
  • Key Words: world geography: England; grand, noble, Duke of York, ten thousand, marched, up, down, neither, nor; contraction: we’re (we are)


“The Grand Old Duke of York” 

also known as
“The Noble Duke of York”


Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
And he marched them down again.

And when we’re up, we’re up,
And when we’re down we’re down,
And when we’re only half way up,
We’re neither up nor down.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"The Grand Old Duke of York" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "The Grand Old Duke of York" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Grand Old Duke of York" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "The Grand Old Duke of York" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "The Grand Old Duke of York" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "The Grand Old Duke of York" Letter Names Format

Night Herding Song

"BuNight Herding Song," Lyrics, Text Format
"BuNight Herding Song," Lyrics, Text Format

Beginners syncopation, dominate and vi7 (Dm7) arpeggios, and a dominate octave skip.



  • Grade: Fourth
  • Origin: USA – Cowboy Song
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: through composed
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ti ti ti ti | ti ti ti ta ti ri | syncopation, | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ti ti ti ta ti |
    | ti/ ri ti ti ti ti | syncopation, | ta ti ta ti | ta/a ti |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So La Ti Do Re Mi So
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi\Do\La\Sodescending vi7 (Dm7) arpeggio, La/Do, So/Mi/So(combination of M6 and m3), So\So descending dominate octave skip, Ti/Mi (P4)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, arpeggio, dominate octave skip, vocal slur, tied notes
  • Key Words: USA history, cowboy song, cowboy vocabulary: dogies (cattle), herded, circle-herded, trail-herded, night herded; quit, roving, wandered, trampled, graze, forever, move slow, together, horse, leg-weary, awful, tired, fired, bunch up, lay down, limbs, seat is sore, laid, stretch, snore, drown, wild sound, lay still; contractions: kinda (kind of), that’s (that is), I’m (I am)that’ll (that will), (can’t (cannot); abbreviations: goin’ (going), siftin’ (sifting), ’round (around)

“Night Herding Song” 

1. Oh, slow up dogies, quit roving around,
You have wandered and trampled all over the ground;
Oh, graze along, dogies and feed kinda slow,
And don’t forever be on the go.
Oh, move slow, dogies, move slow,
Hi-oh, hi-oh, hi-oh!
I have circle-herded, trail-herded, night-herded too
But to keep you together, that’s what I can’t do.
My horse is leg-weary and I’m awful tired
But if I let you get away I’m sure to get fired.
Bunch up, little dogies, bunch up.
3. Oh say, little dogies, when you goin’ to lay down?
And quit this forever siftin’ around?
My limbs are weary, my seat is sore
Oh, lay down, dogies, like you’ve laid before,
Lay down, dogies, lay down.
4. Oh, lay still, dogies, since you have laid down
Stretch away on the big open ground.
Snore loud, little dogies, and drown the wild sound
That’ll go away when the day rolls ’round,
Lay still, dogies, lay still.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"BuNight Herding Song," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "BuNight Herding Song," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "BuNight Herding Song," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "BuNight Herding Song," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "BuNight Herding Song," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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New River Train

"New River Train," Lyrics, Text Format

Syncopation in cut time: on the second quarter of the first beat
(ee of 1) and the second half of the first and second beat
(& of 1, & of 2) and practicing the perfect fourth (P4).



  • Grade: Fourth
  • Origin: USA – Folk Song
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 2/2, cut time, also shown in 4/4
  • Form: AaBC
  • Rhythm: intermediate*: | ti ri ta ti | syncopation,
    | ta ti ti | ta/a_|_a ta | ti ta ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi/So, So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio, Do/Fa (P4), La\Mi
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, half, quarter, eighth; pickup beat, syncopation in 2/2 time, tied notes, arpeggio, perfect fourth, vocal slur
  • Key Words: USA history, counting song, counting two-nine, carry, river, train, brought, love, still true, anymore, survive, trix, heaven, Pearly Gate, mine, sacred; contractions: I’m (I am), gonna (going to), can’t cannot); abbreviation: ridin’ (riding)

* How do the lyric syllables change the beat divisions and rhythms in measures eleven and twelve (11,12)?

“New River Train” 

1. I’m ridin’ in that new river train,
I’m ridin’ in that new river train,
The same old train that brought me here’s
Gonna carry me home again.
Darling, you can’t love two,
Darling, you can’t love two,
You can’t love two and still to me be true,
Darling, you can’t love two,
3. Darling, you can’t love three,
Darling, you can’t love three,
You can’t love three and still be true to me,
Darling, you can’t love three,
4. Darling, you can’t love four,
Darling, you can’t love four,
You can’t love four and love me anymore,
Darling, you can’t love four,
5. Darling, you can’t love five,
Darling, you can’t love five,
You can’t love five and have me love survive,
Darling, you can’t love five,
6. Darling, you can’t love six,
Darling, you can’t love six,
You can’t love six and do those trix,
Darling, you can’t love six,
7. Darling, you can’t love seven,
Darling, you can’t love seven,
You can’t love seven and ever get to heaven,
Darling, you can’t love seven,
8. Darling, you can’t love eight,
Darling, you can’t love eight,
You can’t love eight and pass the Pearly Gate,
Darling, you can’t love eight,
9. Darling, you can’t love nine,
Darling, you can’t love nine,
You can’t love nine and still be mine,
Darling, you can’t love nine,
10. I’m ridin’ in that new river train,
I’m ridin’ in that new river train,
The same old train that brought me here’s
Gonna carry me home again.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"New River Train," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "New River Train," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "New River Train," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "New River Train," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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Navajo Happy Song

"Navajo Happy Song" Lyrics, Text Format

Comparing melodic lines with the same lyrics; how the pitches change the intent of the melody and lyrics.



  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: USA – Navajo, Traditional
  • Key: D Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: rhythm: AaBBC – pitches: ABCCD
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta | ti ti ti ti | ti ti ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: La Do Re Mi So La Do
  • Intervals: intermediate: So\Mi/So, So/Do8, Do8\Mi, Do\La/Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, quarter, eighth; tied note
  • Key Words: USA geography, Native Americans, Navajo

“Navajo Happy Song”

Hi yo hi yo ip si na ya,
Hi yo hi yo ip si na ya,
Hi yo hi yo ip si na ya,
Hi yo hi yo ip si na ya,
Hi yo hi yo.

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"Navajo Happy Song" Music Format
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Click to Enlarge: "Navajo Happy Song" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "Navajo Happy Song" Solfeggio Format
letter names
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My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle

"My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing the interval Fa/La (M3).



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: USA – Traditional
  • Key: C Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: ABaC
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ti ti ti | ta/ ta ti |
    | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta/ (ta) |
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: beginners: Do/Mi, Mi\Do, Fa/La
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, fermata
  • Key Words: play song, moving to music, parts of the body, thumbs, hands, arms, legs, wiggle; contractions: wigglin’ (wiggling)


“My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle”

My thumbs are starting to wiggle,
My thumbs are starting to wiggle,
My thumbs are starting to wiggle,
Around and around and around.


My hands are starting to wiggle,
My hands are starting to wiggle,
My hands are starting to wiggle,
Around and around and around.

3. My arms are starting to wiggle,
My arms are starting to wiggle,
My arms are starting to wiggle,
Around and around and around.
4. My legs are starting to wiggle,
My legs are starting to wiggle,
My legs are starting to wiggle,
Around and around and around.
5. Now all of me is a wigglin’,
Now all of me is a wigglin’
Now all of me is a wigglin’
I think I had better sit down.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle" Letter Names Format

My Pony

"My Pony" Lyrics, Text Format

Introducing an ascending dominate octave skip So/So.



  • Grade: First
  • Origin: USA – Traditional
  • Key: E Flat Major
  • Time: 2/4
  • Form: ABCCaB
  • Rhythm: beginners: | ta ta | ta (ta) | ti ti ti ti |
  • Pitches: intermediate: So Ti Do Re Mi Fa So
  • Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi/So, Re\Ti, Ti\So, So/So ascending dominate octave skip, So\Mi, Mi\Do
  • Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth; rest: quarter, octave skip So/So
  • Key Words: horses, pony, nimble, stony, whoa, jaunt, rough, top; contractions: ’tis (it is), safe’s (safe is), thro’ (through)

“My Pony”

Hop, hop, hop! Nimble as a top,
Where ’tis smooth and where ’tis stony,
Trudge along my little pony,
Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop!
Nimble as a top.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! How like fun we go,
Very well my little pony,
Safe’s our jaunt thro’ rough and stony,
Spare, spare, spare, spare, spare!
Sure enough we’re there.

Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Pony" Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Pony" Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Pony" Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Pony" Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Pony" Solfeggio Format
letter names
Click to Enlarge: "My Pony" Letter Names Format

My Old Kentucky Home

"My Old Kentucky Home," Lyrics, Text Format
"My Old Kentucky Home," Lyrics, Text Format

Intermediate syncopation, dynamics: mf, f,
with a ritardando and caesura.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – Stephen Foster (1826-1864), circa. 1853
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: AAB – verse/verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ta ta ti ti |
    | ti/ ri ti ti ta (ti) ti | ti ti (ti) ti ti ti (ti) ti | syncopation, | ta/a/a (ti) ti | ti/ ri ti ti ta ti/ ri | syncopation, | ta ta ti ti ti/ ri | syncopation,
    | ti ti ti ti ta/ ti | syncopation, | ta/ ti ta ta | syncopation, | ti ta/ (ta) ti | syncopation,
    | ta/a (ta) ti ti | ti/ ri ti ti ta_ // ti ti | (_=fermata),
    (//=caesura), | ti/ ri ti ti ta ti/ ri | syncopation
  • Pitches: intermediate: La Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\Do (M3), Fa/La (M3), So\Do (P5), Do/Fa (P4), Re\Ti M3), So\Mi (m3), Do\La/Do (m3)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter, eighth; pickup beat, repeat signs, first and second endings, syncopation, two double barlines, fermata, caesura (railroad tracks/silent pause), ritardando (rit.); dynamics: mezzo forte/medium loud, forte/loud, verse/verse/chorus
  • Key Words: USA history, USA geography: Kentucky; shines, bright, summer, folks, gay, corn tops, ripe, meadows, birds make music, cabin floor, merry, happy, bright, hard times, goodnight, weep lady possum, coon (raccoon), shore, glimmer, shadow, heart, sorrow, delight, bow, bend, wanderer trouble, sugar canes, weary load, trotter; contractions: ’tis (it tis), by’n (by and), ’twill (it will); abbreviations: knockin’ (knockin), o’re (over); possessives: top’s, meadow’s
  • Recorder: intermediate: introducing F#, caesura (railroad tracks/silent pause), ritardando (rit.), syncopation

“My Old Kentucky Home” 

1. The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home,
‘Tis summer, the old folks are gay.
The corn top’s ripe and the meadow’s in the bloom,
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy and bright.
By’n by hard times come a-knockin’ at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, goodnight.
Weep no more my lady,
Oh weep no more today.
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home, far away.
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"My Old Kentucky Home," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Old Kentucky Home," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Old Kentucky Home," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
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Click to Enlarge: "My Old Kentucky Home," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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My Lord, What a Mornin’

"My Lord, What a Mornin'," Lyrics, Text Format

Advanced syncopation, dynamics: mp, mf,
and a tonic I6 arpeggio.



  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABA – chorus/verse/chorus
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ta/a/a ti ti | ta ta/a ta |
    | ta ta (ti) ta ti | ta ta/a ti ti | ta/ ti ta ta | syncopation, | ta/ ti ti ta/ | ta ta ta ta | ta/a/a/a |
    | ti ti ti ti ta ta | ta/a ta/ ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi Fa So La
  • Intervals: intermediate: Mi\Do (M3), Do/So (P5), So\Mi (m3), Mi/So (m3), So\Re (P4), Re/La (P5), Fa\Re (m3), Do/Fa (P4), Do/Mi/So/La ascending tonic arpeggio w/sixth (I6, F6)
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, repeat signs, D.S. al Fine, Fine, vocal slur, two double barlines, dynamics: mezzo piano/medium soft, mezzo forte/medium loud, multiple endings, ending a phrase on the supertonic (2, Re), tonic arpeggio with sixth (I6)
  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, sacred, Lord, Jesus, Christians, trumpet sound, wake, nations, underground, glory, shining, shout, stars; contraction: you’ll (you will), there’s (there is); abbreviation: ’cause (because), mornin’ (morning); possessive: Lord’s
  • Recorder: intermediate: excellent lower register practice

“My Lord, What a Mornin'” 

My Lord, what a mornin’,
My Lord, what a mornin’,
My Lord, what a mornin’,
When the stars begin to fall.
1. You’ll hear the trumpet sound,
To wake all nations underground,
Look in my Lord’s right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.
You’ll see my Jesus come,
His glory shining like the sun,
Look in my Lord’s right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.
3. You’ll hear all Christian’s shout,
‘Cause there’s a new day come about,
Look in my Lord’s right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"My Lord, What a Mornin'," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "My Lord, What a Mornin'," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Lord, What a Mornin'," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "My Lord, What a Mornin'," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "My Lord, What a Mornin'," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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