- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
- Key: F Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: ABA – chorus/verse/chorus
- Rhythm: advanced: | ta/a/a ti ti | ta ta/a ta |ta ta (ti) ta ti| ta ta/a ti ti | ta/ ti ta ta | ta/ ti ti ta/ | ta ta ta ta | ta/a/a/a | ti ti ti ti ta ta | ta/a ta/ ti|
- Pitches: beginners: do re mi fa so la
- Intervals: intermediate: mi\do (M3), do/so (P5), so\mi (m3), mi/so (m3), so\re (P4), re/la (P5), fa\re (m3), do/fa (P4), do/mi/so/la ascending tonic arpeggio w/sixth (I6, F6)
- Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, repeat signs, D.S. al Fine, Fine, vocal slur, two double barlines, dynamics: mezzo piano/medium soft, mezzo forte/medium loud, multiple endings, ending a phrase on the supertonic (2, re), tonic arpeggio with sixth (I6)
- Key Words: USA history, African American history, sacred, Lord, Jesus, Christians, trumpet sound, wake, nations, underground, glory, shining, shout, stars; contraction: you’ll (you will), there’s (there is); abbreviation: ’cause (because), mornin’ (morning); possessive: Lord’s
- Recorder: intermediate: excellent lower register practice
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |