• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

"Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Lyrics, Text Format

Mastering the ascending and descending major third (M3) intervals Do/Mi and Mi\Do, with advanced syncopation on the second half of the each beat (& of 1, & of 2, & of 3, & of 4)



  • Grade: Fourth
  • Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
  • Key: G Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: phrases: AAABCC song: ABA – refrain/verse/refrain
  • Rhythm: advanced: | ti ta/ ta/ ti | syncopation,
    | ta ti ta ti ti ti | syncopation, | ta ti ti ti ti ti ti |
    | ti ta ta (ti) (ta) | syncopation | ta ta ta ta | ta ti ta/a/ | syncopation, | ti ta ta ti ti ti | syncopation
  • Pitches: beginners: So La Do Re Mi
  • Intervals: intermediate: So/Do (P4), Do/Mi (x13), Mi\Do (x9), Re\So (P5)
  • Musical Elements: notes: half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rests: quarter, eighth; pickup beats (begins on the second half of the third beat – & of 3), D. C al Fine, Fine, call/response, refrain/verse/refrain, syncopation on the second half of each beat, tied notes within measures, two double barlines
  • Key Words: USA history, African American history, African American history month, sacred, spiritual, visiting heaven, going to heaven, Lord, heaven, yonder (down the way), dressed in: red, white, blue, black, Moses, Israelite, hypocrites, bible stories; contractions: won’t (will not), can’t (cannot), who’s (who is); abbreviations: comin’ (coming), turnin’ (turning)
  • Keyboard: intermediate: a five finger exercise for the right, left, and two hands together


“Oh, Won’t You Sit Down?” 
(boys) (girls)
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
Oh, won’t you sit down? Lord, I can’t sit down.
(girls – last time all)
Cause I just got to Heaven, gonna look around.
(girls) (boys)
Who’s that yonder dressed in red? Must be the children that Moses led.
Who’s that yonder dressed in white? Must be the children of the Israelite.
(girls) (boys)
Who’s that yonder dressed in blue? Must be the children that are comin’ through.
Who’s that yonder dressed in black? Must be the hypocrites a-turin’ back.
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)
"Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Music Format
Click to enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Beats Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Rhythm Format
pitch numbers
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Pitch Number Format
Click to Enlarge: "Oh, Won't You Sit Down?," Solfeggio Format
letter names
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