“Fountain in the Park”
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Syncopation, raised submediant (Fi) and dominant (Si), repeated melodic rhythm patterns/intervals, and changing time signatures.
- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: USA – Ed Haley (1862-1932) circa. 1880
- Key: G Major
- Time: 4/4 and 3/4
- Form: through composed
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ti/ ri ti/ ri ta ta | syncopation, | ta/a/a ta | ta/a ta ta |
| ti/ ri ti/ ri ta ti/ ri | syncopation, | ta/a/a ti/ ri | syncopation, | ti/ ri ti/ ri ti/ ri ti/ ri | syncopation,
| ta/ ti ta | syncopation, | ta/a ta | ta (ta) ta | - Pitches: intermediate: Fi So Si La Ti Do Re Mi Fa So – raised/sharp subdominant (4, Fi), raised/sharp dominant (5, Si)
- Intervals: advanced: So/Do\So (P4), La/Re (P4), So/Ti (M3), La\Si/La (m2), So8\Do (P5), Ti\So (M3), So/Do/Mi ascending tonic arpeggio (I, G), Mi\La (P5), Ti/So8 (m6), So8\Mi/So8 (m3), So\Fi/So (m2)
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; changing time signatures: 4/4 to 3/4 to 4/4, pickup beat, vocal slur, toed notes, accidental: sharp, melodic rhythm patterns with repeated interval patterns, raised/sharp subdominant and dominate (Fi, Si), note: tempo seems to slow down in 3/4 time
- Key Words: USA history, strolling, merry month of May, roguish eyes, moment, poor heat, stole, neatly, raised, polite, remark, lovely, afternoon, fountain in the park, courting song, character education
- Recorder: advanced: playing in G major, introducing C#, D#, and F#, syncopation, tonic arpeggio, ascending minor sixth (F#/D8), time signature changes: 4/4 to 3/4 to 4/4
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)