- Grade: Third
- Origin: USA – African American Folk Song
- Key: E Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: rhythm: AABA – pitches:ABCB
- Rhythm: advanced: | ti ri ta ti ti ti ti | syncopation,
| ta (ta) (ta) ti ti | ta/ ti ta ti ti | syncopation - Pitches: intermediate: La Do Re Mi So La Do – extended pentatonic scale
- Intervals: intermediate: Mi/So, La8\Do, Mi\Do, Do\La/Do, Do/So, So/Do8, Do\Do descending tonic octave skip, Re/So, So\Do
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, syncopation, extended pentatonic scale, tonic octave skip, repeated melodic rhythm patterns
- Key Words: USA history, African American History, character education: positive attitude, song singing, dancing, frog leaping, rising, wheel turning, heart, frog, sun rising, world; abbreviations: turnin’ (turning), singing’ (singing), leapin’ (leaping), risin’ (rising)
- Recorder: advanced: playing in F Major, introducing G above high C, advanced syncopation, practicing the higher register, tonic octave skip, melodic rhythm patterns
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