Dotted quarters and eighths will challenge your best readers.
- Grade: Second
- Origin: USA – South Carolina Folk Song
- Key: C Major
- Time: 2/4
- Form: AB
- Rhythm: advanced: | ti ri ti ri ti ri ti | ti/ ri ti ti |
syncopation, | ta/ ri ti (ti) | ti/ ri ti ti ri | ti ta ti | syncopation, | ta/ (ti) | ta (ta) | - Pitches: beginners: Do Re Mi So La Do – pentatonic scale
- Intervals: intermediate: Do/Mi, Mi\Do, Do/Mi/So ascending tonic arpeggio, Do\La, La\Mi, So\Mi\Do descending tonic arpeggio
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rests: quarter, eighth, syncopation
- Key Words: USA geography, South Carolina, buggy, ridding, morn, darling
Additional Formats (click to enlarge)