• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

By the Light of the Silvery Moon


Popular chorus from the Tin Pan Alley era with melodic rhythm patterns, four minor thirds (m3), and three perfect fourths (P4). A perfect echo song.

  • note: the placement of the minor thirds and the change to a major third at the end, just before landing on the tonic, do


Popular chorus from the Tin Pan Alley era with melodic rhythm patterns, four minor thirds (m3), and three perfect fourths (P4). A perfect echo song.

  • note: the placement of the minor thirds and the change to a major third at the end, just before landing on the tonic, do


  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: USA – words: Edward Madden
    music: Gus Edwards, circa. 1909
  • Key: A Flat Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: phrases: ABACD – chorus: AB
  • Rhythmintermediate: | ti (ti) ti/ ri ti/ ri ta | ti (ti) ta ta ta | ti (ti) ti ti ti ti ta | ta/a ta/a | ta/a/a ti/ ri | ta ta ta ta | ta ti/ ri ti/ ri ta | ta/a/a/a |
  • Pitches: intermediate: mi fa so la ti do re mi fa
  • Intervals: intermediate: so/do (P4), do\la (m3), la/re (P4), ti\so (m3), la\mi (P4), mi/so\mi (m3), re/fa8 (m3) do/mi (M3), note: the placement of the minor thirds and the change to a major third at the end, just before landing on the tonic, do
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, quarter, dotted eighth, sixteenth; rest: eighth; pickup beat, tied notes, melodic rhythm patterns, vocal slur, use of minor third intervals, melody centered around the dominant (so) before arriving at the tonic (do)
  • Key WordsUSA history, Tin Pan Alley, turn of the century, ballad, courting song, silvery, moon, spoon, honey, croon, tune, honeymoon, beams, moon beams, dreams, cuddling; abbreviation: silv’ry (silvery); possessive love’s; echo singing
  • Recorder: intermediate: tied whole notes at the end of phrases foster breath support

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Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
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Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

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