• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

London Bridge


London Bridge

Dancing around the 5th (so) and skipping home to 1 (do).


London Bridge

Dancing around the 5th (so) and skipping home to 1 (do).

  • Grade: First
  • Origin: English Singing Game
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABAC
  • Rhythmintermediate: | ti/ ri ti ti ti ti ta | ti ti ta ti ti ta | ta ta ti \ta |
  • Pitchesbeginners: do re mi fa so la
  • Intervals: intermediate: so\re, re/so, so\mi, mi\do
  • Musical Elements: notes: quarter, dotted eighth, eighth; tied notes, centered around the 5th (so) until the last note
  • Key Words: geography, Great Britain, England, London, play song, play ground song, science, metals, iron, silver, gold, salutation: my fair lady, Tower of London, arch, arch bridge

Game instructions:

  1. Two students join hands high to form an arch bridge.
  2. The remaining students march under the bridge while singing the first verse.
  3. At the last word, the arms of the bridge are lowered to capture the student passing under the bridge.
  4. The captured students are kept in an area known as “Tower of London.”
  5. When the last student is caught, the bridge chases all students to capture the students who will build the next bridge.

Also known as “My Fair Lady.”

Selecting All Formats includes:

Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, pitch letter names, text/lyrics
Scrolling Song Formats: one file – all formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

Additional information


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