- Grade: Kindergarten
- Origin: England – Old Nursery Rhyme
- Key: C Major
- Time: 6/8
- Form: ABCD
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation, | ta/ ta/ | ta ti ta/ | syncopation, | ta/ ta (ti) | ta ti ta ti | syncopation
- Pitches: intermediate: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, all the pitches of the major scale
- Intervals: intermediate: So/Do, Do8\Mi, Mi/Ti, So\Re, So\Mi, Mi/La
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; uncommon intervals, vocal slur, 6/8 time: eighth note receives one beat, divisions of a dotted quarter note: three eights (3 ti’s), feeling duple meter (2) in 6/8: where three eights would be a triplet if the beat is represented by a dotted quarter
- Key Words: world geography: England; sheep. nursery rhymes, wagging, dreamt, bleating, fleeting, crook, determined, they’d, stray, meadow, espied, hillocks, shepherdess, sheep farming, bleeding heart, joke; contraction: they’ll (they will); abbreviation: ’em (them)
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |