- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: England – Edmond L. Gruber
- Key: C Major
- Time: 2/2 – cut time
- Form: AB
- Rhythm: advanced: | ta ti ti | ti/ ri ti ti | ti ta ti | syncopation, | ta/a_|_/ (ti) ti ti | ti ti ti ti | ta/a_|_a ti ti | (_=tie)
- Pitches: intermediate: do re mi fa so la ti do re – extended range
- Intervals: intermediate: so\mi/so (x7, m3), fa\re (m3), re/so (P4), so/do (P4), do\so (P4), so\la (m3), la/re8, re8\so (P5)
- Musical Elements: notes: whole, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, tied notes, two double barlines, cut time, reading cut time
- Key Words: world geography: England; world history: World War I, caisson (two-wheeled cart designed to carry artillery ammunition), counter march (reverse direction maintaining order), right-about, military drills, soldier formations, wagon soldiers, Field Artillery (canons, guns), contraction: it’s (it is), where’er (where ever)
The tune was later used by the United States Armed Services: “The Army Goes Rolling Along.”
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Scrolling Song Formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |