- Grade: Fourth
- Origin: USA – Alabama, Folk Song – 1915
- Key: D Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: AB – verse/chorus
- Rhythm: advanced: | ti ti ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation, | ti/ ri ti ti ta ti ti | ti ti ti ti ta ti ti |ti ri ti ti ri ti ta ti ti | ta/a (ta) ti ti | ta/a/a ti ti | ta ti/ ri ti ti ti ti | ta/a/a/a | ti ta ti ta ti ti | syncopation
- Pitches: intermediate: La Do Re Mi Fa So La Do
- Intervals: intermediate: so\mi (m3), do\la/do (m3), mi/so (m3), la8\re (P5), re/so (P4), so\mi\do descending tonic (I) arpeggio (D), re/fa (m3), do/do8 ascending tonic octave skip, do8\la/do8 (m3), do8\so\mi descending tonic (I) arpeggio (D)
- Musical Elements: notes: whole, dotted half, half, quarter, dotted eighth, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; pickup beat, two double bars, ascending and descending tonic arpeggios, tonic octave skip, syncopation
- Key Words: USA history, USA geography: Alabama, world geography: England, camp song, scout song, story of the Titanic, ship, sail, ocean, thought, through, water, Lord, almighty hand, great ship, husbands, women, wives, children, England, thousand, miles, rich, poor, sin, burst, shouted, tried, wire, raging, sea, band, struck refused, associate, down below, captain, sad, fire, swung, lifeboats, “Nearer, My God to Thee,” wept, cried, waves, swept; abbreviations: ’bout (about), o’er (over), contractions: they’d (they would)
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |