- Grade: Fifth
- Origin: USA – African American Spiritual
- Key: G Major
- Time: Common Time – 4/4
- Form: ABCA
- Rhythm: beginners: | ti ta ti ti ti ti ti | syncopation, | ti ta/a (ta) | syncopation, | ti ti ti ri ti ti ti ti ti |
- Pitches: intermediate: so la do re mi so la – pentatonic
- Intervals: intermediate: mi\do\la\so descending submediant arpeggio with seventh (vi7, Em7), so/do (P4), do/mi (M3), mi/so (m3), so\mi/so (m3), do\la (m3)
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; rest: quarter; common time (4/4), syncopation, tied notes, submediant arpeggio with a seventh (vi7, Em7), melodic rhythm patterns
- Key Words: USA history, African American history; Underground Railroad, American Civil War, Civil Rights Movement; sacred, character education, bound for glory (Heaven), sin, sinners, gamblers, hypocrites, midnight ramblers, liars, weeping criers, rustlers, side-street walkers, two-bit hustlers; contractions: don’t (does not)
- Recorder: intermediate: playing in G major, submediant seventh arpeggio (vi7, Em7), syncopation, pentatonic scale
Partner song: “Rock-a My Soul“
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Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |