- Grade: Second
- Origin: England – Nursery Rhyme
- Key: A Flat Major
- Time: 6/8
- Form: rhythm: ABABCDCD – pitches: ABAbCDCE
- Rhythm: advanced: | ta ti ti ti ti | ta/ ta ti | ta ti ta ti | ta/a/ ti ri | ta ti ta ti ri|
- Pitches: advanced: mi fa so la ti do re mi so – extended range
- Intervals: advanced: so/mi, mi\do\so descending tonic arpeggio, mi/so/mi8, do\so, so/re, re\ti\so descending dominant arpeggio, so/do, so/so8 ascending dominant octave skip, so8\so descending dominant octave skip
- Musical Elements: notes; dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, tied notes, feeling duple meter (dotted quarters) in 6/8 time, melodic rhythm patterns, tonic arpeggios, dominant octave skips, extended tange
- Key Words: world geography: England; nursery rhyme, sailing, parts of a boat/ship, sea, deeply, laden, pretty, candy, cabin, apples, hold (lower storage area), sails, satin, masts, gold, four and twenty (24), stood, decks, white, mice, rings, necks, captain, duck, jacket, fairy, quack, duck sounds
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |