- Grade: Third
- Origin: England – Fanny Snow Knowlton – From: “The Progressive Music Series – Book Two”
- Key: D Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: rhythm: AABAAB – pitches: ABCDDE
- Rhythm: beginners: | ti ti ti ti ta ti ti | ta ta ta ti ti
| ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti |
- Pitches: intermediate: do re mi fa so la ti do
- Intervals: intermediate: so/do (P4), do\la (m3), mi/so\mi (m3), mi/la (P4), la\re (P5), do\do (P8) descending tonic octave skip
- Musical Elements: notes: quarter, eighth; pickup beat, four fermatas, running eighths
, descending tonic octave skip
- Key Words: farm life, milking the cow, dairy farm, plough (English spelling), dapple cow, fairy, maiden, milking, beaming, stumbled, astonished, screaming, vain, plain, grunting, pig, dog, inclined, squealing, piggy, taily, pony, snort, clever, nearly, tumbled, cracked, crown
Selecting All Formats includes:
Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
Scrolling Song Formats; one file, all formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)