• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

Jefferson and Liberty


6/8 time, feeling duple meter in 6/8, ascending submediant arpeggio (vi/Fm) and a descending dominant arpeggio (V/Eb), lowered/natural dominant (se).


6/8 time, feeling duple meter in 6/8, ascending submediant arpeggio (vi/Fm) and a descending dominant arpeggio (V/Eb), lowered/natural dominant (se).

  • Grade: Fifth
  • Origin: Ireland/USA – music: Irish Jig: The Gobby-O
    words: Traditional
  • Key: F minor (pitched in A flat Major)
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: AB – verse/refrain
  • Rhythmbeginners: | ta ti ti ti ti | ta ti ta ti | ti ti ti ta ti | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ta ti ta ti ri |
  • Pitchesintermediate: mi se so la ti do re mi fa so – lowered/natural dominant (se)
  • Intervals: intermediateM2: la\sem3: do\la, la/do, ti\so, ti/re, so/ti, so8\mi; M3: do/mi8P4: la\mi/la, la8\mi; P5: ti\mi; arpeggios: ascending submediant  la/do/mi(vi/Fm), descending dominant re\ti\so (V/Eb)
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, repeat signs, multiple endings, fermata, accidental: natural dominant (se), feeling duple meter in 6/8, repeated melodic rhythm patterns, verse/refrain
  • Key Words: world geography: Ireland, Irish Jig: “Gobby-O”; Europe; USA, Georgia, Lake Champlain, Mississippi, Columbia, presidential campaign rally song; gloomy, reign of terror, gags, inquisitors, spies, hordes, harpies, tyrants, varied, clime, dales, majesty, sublime, immortal, prevails, illustrious, virtues, assume, sway, temple, preside, immense, hireling, tyranny, lording, gorging jaws, industry, bigot, amidst, abundant, nobler, spread, lofty, dreary, humble, expanded, sect, sacred, privilege, worship, Deity, thine, fought, inspiration, glorious, foes, dread, ye, proclaim; abbreviations: o’er (over), hallow’d (hallowed), e’er (ever), array’d (arrayed), injur’d (injured), compell’d (compelled), laurel’d (laureled), mem’ries (memories)

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Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
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Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

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