- Grade: Kindergarten
- Origin: England, 18th-century Nursery Rhyme
- Key: F Major
- Time: 6/8
- Form: ABAb
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ta ti ta ti | syncopation,
| ta/ ta (ti) | syncopation, | ta/ ti (ti) (ti) | syncopation
- Pitches: advanced: Ti Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do Re Mi – extended range
- Intervals: advanced: Do\So, So/Do, So/Mi, Fa/Re, Re\Fa, Mi/Do\Mi, Re/La, So\Ti, Ti/Re
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: eighth; syncopation, uncommon intervals, 6/8 time: eighth note receives one beat, divisions of a dotted quarter note: three eights (3 ti’s), feeling duple meter (2) in 6/8
- Key Words: world geography: England; vocabulary builder: hill, fetch, pail, water, fell, up, down, broke, crown, tumbling, home, trot, fast, caper, bed, head, covered, vinegar, brown, paper
May we suggest “Three Jacks,” as part of your next program?
(Jack and Jill, Jack Be Nimble, Jack Sprat)
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |