- Grade: Fourth
- Origin: USA – Samuel Woodworth, 1821
- Key: G Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: AB – verse/refrain
- Rhythm: intermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti | running eighth notes | ta/ ti ti ti (ti) ti | syncopation, | ti ti ti ti ti ti (ta) |ti ti ti ti ti ta ti | syncopation
- Pitches: intermediate: so la ti do re mi fa so la
- Intervals: advanced: so8\mi\do descending tonic arpeggio (I, G), do\so (P4), so/do/mi ascending tonic arpeggio (I,G), mi/so8 (m3), fa\re/fa (m3), do\la (m3), so/fa (m7), re/so8 (P4), so8\ti (m6)
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rests: quarter, eighth; pickup beat, verse/refrain, tonic arpeggios, running eighth notes, syncopation
- Key Words: USA; Kentucky, New Orleans; gentlemen, grace, rehearse, ditty, opportunity, conceive, hardy, freeborn, race, stranger, chase, despising toil, danger, daring, foe, annoys, alligator horses, attempted, wince, schemes, repented, rifles, occasion, hue, sooty, brags, cotton bags, spite, greater, half a horse, half an alligator, vain, booty, wisely, danger, protect; Old English: Ye (you); contractions: ’tis (it is), we’ll (we will), you’ve (you have), there’s (there is), he’d (he would), ’twas (it was); abbreviations: e’er (ever), s’pose (suppose), cock’d (cocked), flock’d (flocked), fam’d (famed), ev’ry (every), wish’d (wished)
- Recorder: intermediate: playing in G major, introducing F#, tonic arpeggios, syncopation
Packenham: Sir Edward Pakenham (1778–1815) Anglo-Irish Army Officer and Politician
Old Hickory Jackson: Andrew Jackson (1767–1845) was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837)
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