• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

Derry Down



A minor tonality, an advanced interval ascending la/so (minor 7th), and a history lesson on the American Revolutionary War.

  • Grade: Third
  • Origin: USA – Song of the American Revolution
  • Key: D minor – pitched in F Major
  • Time: 6/8
  • Form: staves: ABCDE – through composed
  • Rhythmintermediate: | ti ti ti ti ti ti | ti ti ti ta ti ri | ti ti ti ta ti | ta/ ta/ | ti ti ti ta |
  • Pitches: intermediate: la ti do re mi so la
  • Intervalsadvancedla/so, so\do, mi/la, so\re, mi/la\mi, mi\do, ti/re\ti
  • Musical Elements: notes: dotted quarter, quarter, eighth, sixteenth; pickup beat, minor tonality where the 6th (la) is the tonal center
  • Key Words: American Revolution, song of the American Revolution, war with England, American history, USA history, USA georgraphy, world geography, revolutionary war, Boston, Bostonian, Liberty Tree, chance, town, houses, stores, tumbling, Old England, King Hancock, yaws, fear, swear, doctor, hard pill, brave, reinforcement, pumpkins sweat, drums, rattle, devil, himself, sight, fleet, army, arrive, bleak, island, drive, please, half a score

Selecting All Formats includes:

Individual Song Formats; music, beats, rhythm, pitch numbers, solfeggio, letter names, text
Scrolling Song Formats
Song Description: grade, origin, key, time, form, difficulty levels for rhythm, pitches, intervals; musical elements, key words, song lyrics
MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available)

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