• MUSIC NOTES, INC. | 404-790-1110

Cowboy’s Lament


Harmony in thirds and fourths, ascending and descending tonic arpeggios in the pentatonic scale with an uncommon perfect fifth mi\ti, perfect fourth and ti/mi.


Harmony in thirds and fourths, ascending and descending tonic arpeggios in the pentatonic scale with an uncommon perfect fifth mi\ti, perfect fourth and ti/mi.

  • Grade: Fourth
  • Origin: USA – Traditional*
  • Key: F Major
  • Time: 4/4
  • Form: ABab
  • Rhythmbeginners: | ta ta ti ti ta | ta/a/a/a |
  • Pitchesintermediate: so do re mi so la – pentatonic scale
  • Intervals: intermediate: melody: so/do/mi/so ascending tonic arpeggio, so\mi\do, descending tonic arpeggio, la/do; lower harmony: mi\ti, ti/mi
  • Musical Elements: notes: whole, quarter, eighth; pickup beats, breath marks, long phrases promote breath support, harmony in thirds and fourths, two part harmony, singing in groups
  • Key Words: USA history, USA geography, cowboy song, “Cowboy’s Lament,” mournfully, pallid lips, wailed, shadows, gathering, coyotes, howl, narrow grave, six by three, cottage, bower, matters, grant, grave, buffalo paws, prairie sea, laid, churchyard, hillside, slumber, mingle, weep, buzzard, tears, shed, pained, curled, locks, curled locks, rattled, brow, failed, dying prayer, dewdrops, butterfly, saddle blanket, rattlesnakes, hiss, crow, rose blooms, pale, nevermore, owl, hoots, blizzard, roam, plain, wolves, growl, handful, Him (God), soul; abbreviations: o’er (over): contractions: I’ve (I have): possessives: father’s, mother’s, sister’s

* Tune is an adaptation of the sea song, “The Sailor’s Grave” or “The Ocean-Burial,” cir. 1839, written by Edwin Hubbell Chapin – music by George N. Allen.

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