- Grade: Fourth
- Origin: USA – Folk Song – cir. 1861
- Key: F Major
- Time: 4/4
- Form: AABC
- Rhythm: beginners: | ta/ ti ta ta | ta ta ta/a | ta ta ta ta | ta/a/a (ta) | ta ta ta/ ti |
- Pitches: beginners: do la ti do re mi fa
- Intervals: intermediate: so/do, re\la/re
- Musical Elements: notes: dotted half, half, dotted quarter, quarter, eighth; rest: quarter, the last beat of each phrase is silent
- Key Words: United States Civil War Ballad, pining love song, USA history, “Love Me Tender,” neath (beneath), willow tree, thee, swallows, rose, spake (spoke), through, thine, azure (bright blue), morn (morning), sparkling, seemed, crimson wing, fitfully, stormy, thy, gloom, depart, sunshine, sweet heart
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MP3 audio of melody (accompaniment where available) |